An angry/frustrated commenter blasted my post rather rudely saying that they didn't understand what my blog was trying to achieve and that he wanted to see guy stuff like hot chicks kissing each other half naked on a beach with a dreamy sunset behind them. 'Your blog is about guy stuff right?' he asked. Well, yes, but there are enough sites and blogs out there with smut and other such related content and galleries. I am here to offer more than pretty pictures of naked girls, I want to offer advice on topics that affect us guys, give guys something worthwhile to read that will eventually uplift your lives while at the same time narrating my adventures and experiences. I am after-all a guy in his late 20s and the same stuff that affect me will, more probable than not, affect another 20 something year old guy out there going through or wondering the same thing.
I may occasionally drop a nice picture of a really hot girl, only because I am only human, but like I said, there are enough sites out there dedicated to uploading gigs of naked chicks, so yah, lets get a taste of something fresh then shall we.
Cheers for now.
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