Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Difference between men and women about SEX

Men are frustrated with women because they never want sex.
 Women are frustrated with men because they always want sex.
 Women blame men that they don't know how to love.
 Men blame women that they only talk about love but don't want to make it.

 Whether you are a man or a woman, reading this article can change your
 life - finally, you will be able to get rid of your frustrations about the
 opposite gender.

 The reason humans want sex is due to the hormone testosterone, which is
 predominantly male hormone. A normal male's body produces 20 times more of
 this hormone than a female's.

 In other words, a male feels the same way after one day without sex as a
 female after 20 days without sex. A male that has not had sex in 20 days
 feels the same way as a female after more than a year without sex.

 Knowing this simple difference, you can already understand the pain of the
 opposite gender. It's NOT their fault: they are made this way!
 It's in our genes! This is the reason why men are men and women are women.

 Men and women are DIFFERENT.
 Not better or worse, just different.

 A man can father a child every time he has sex, and a woman can only
 mother a child every two years or so. This means, a woman HAS TO be picky
 about who she allows to have sex with her.

 For generations women were paying too high a price for making a wrong
 choice. Women that have chosen men with bad genes had a weaker offspring
 and their children struggled to survive. Women that have chosen men with
 good genes had a stronger offspring and their children survived
 disproportionably. Those children were carrying their picky mother's genes
 and this is why those female genes were passed to us.

 On the other hand, men never had adverse consequences of making a wrong
 choice. The more children they produced, the higher was their chance to
 pass their genes to future generations, as some of them would certainly
 survive. While men were determined to seek better genes too, they had to
 grab all chances to procreate coming their way to ensure their genes would
 be passed forward. The men that ONLY stuck with one woman (even a high
 quality woman) were losing genetically to the men that used all of their
 opportunities and had many more children that survived. Those children
 were carrying their father's promiscuous genes, and this is why those male
 genes were passed to us.

 By Nature men are made to seek as much sex as they can get, so they can
 spread their seed wider.

 By Nature women are made to seek as many admirers as they can get, so they
 can make a better choice and get the best seed.

 Men seek quantity - women seek quality.

 This is why men seek sex and women seek love.

 Love is the proof that a woman needs to have some assurance that the man
 will stick around and help her with the upbringing of the offspring. For a
 woman, sex is the culmination of her emotional commitment to a man.

 For a man, sex is a physical act that eases the testosterone pressure he
 experiences constantly. Only after this tension has gone, can a man feel
 love towards a woman. This is why it often happens that men disappear
 after they got what they wanted: it wasn't love; it was the testosterone
 pressure. Sex for men is the reality check of their passion.

 This is why having sex early in the relationship is hazardous for
 women: the man has not had the time to develop any romantic feelings for
 her. He needs time to develop those feelings, and the only way to do it is
 through keeping the sexual tension going for as long as practicable. Sex
 must be attainable, nearly possible - but not quite.
 When the sexual tension is at its peak, its release is mind-blowing - and
 once is never enough, which lays a proper foundation for a future
 relationship - and love.

 Men fall in love through sex; women fall in sex through love.

 All of this happens on the unconscious level - we do NOT realize what's
 going on.

 But the reason why you are here today and alive is because each and every
 of your ancestors, men and women, acted true to their instincts and
 managed to attract at least one sexual partner and produce an offspring.

 So, there is no need to be bitter about men wanting sex and women wanting
 love. Those two are the necessary pieces of the puzzle called Survival Of
 The Species.

 And you'll be better off understanding what the other gender is going
 through and giving them exactly what they want: mind-blowing sex or
 exhilarating love.

Cheers for now.

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